World Association of Vedic Studies 12th Annual Conference, Delhi

Past ISSS President John Kineman gave a presentation to the WAVES conference ( at the invitation of Prof. Bhakti Vijana Muni, linking Relational Holon Theory with the core model of reality presented in the Vedas and later Upanishads. Discussion of this connection continues with interest in several groups. The session that Prof. Muni organized was titled “Life from Life”. This reflects an important principle stated in the invocation to the Isa Upanishad, that the nature of existence is whole and that what comes from that existence remains whole — “Whole from Whole”. The holon theory proposes a meta-model for all systems based on holons – which are whole causal units. These units are also capable of exhibiting life under appropriate conditions. Thus Life comes from holons that have the potential for life is very close to saying life comes from life as opposed to fractional systems that we now consider to be non-living. In other words, life does not come from inert matter, matter itself is whole in the sense of the fifth-order holon and capable of life.


Prof. Bhakti Vijnana Muni (left) and co-organizer Prof. Bhakti Niskama Shanta (right).


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